Monday, December 21, 2009

What Is The Best Acne System And Scar Treatment?

Ok seriously people, dont post it if you have never tryed it! Im looking for a system that ACTUALLY WORKS! Oh and I dont care if ProActiv worked on Jessica simpson! It made my skin exstreamly dry! I dont care about the price I just want a system that work! Im 14 years old and have moderate acne like right now i probalby have 2 pimples on my chin and quite a few on the forehead like about 5. I also have them on my cheeks but none at the moment! Another issue I have is the scars left behind! Whats a good treatment for scars? Just normal acne scars. Cover up does do a great job for me but I want to be able to go out with no cover-up and loreal blendable.What Is The Best Acne System And Scar Treatment?
clean and clearWhat Is The Best Acne System And Scar Treatment?
Murad got a Vit C mask system that help repair damaged skin from sun and acne. They also have a good acne system. The other system I like is Bliss the have a cleanser called cleansing milk, and a steep cleaning mask that helps get the surface dirt from blackheads, and dry up pimples. Go to Sephora, they have several different systems, and they will usually give you samples to try first! Some of the best stuff has Vit C. For me I use some Murad, some bliss, and a few others. I found blending the best of different lines help my skin not dry out so much!
drink lots of water. i have no idea why water helps but it does, its amazing, water helps alot you still will get alittle acne tho, in the morning wash your face with some kind of cleanser, then tonic, then anti-oil, then cream, then after school wash your face with water but no soap and scrub gentley with a towel. this gets off all the dirt and oil. try not to touch, pick or pop acne. that just leaves scars, then at night wash your face with some kind of cleanser, then tonic, then anti-oil, then cream. if this doesnt help after about a week, go to the dermotolegest . try using ProActiv cover up. it really helps heal during the day too.
Arbonne's Clear Advantage acne line works great! The website has before and after pics of real clients who have used the products. Everything is backed with a 45 day money back guarantee.
Acne can be embarrassing at the best of times. I would try going into a site called and find out what users are saying about various products. Good hygene which involves regular bathing helps a lot. Good internal health is a major contributor to healthy skin. Try and stay away from the junk foods. I鈥檝e also had good luck with a product called Acnezine. Try this source I found for more help: Good Luck


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